Erin Brady

Photo of Erin Brady
Florida, USA
Flagler College
Streaming Services And Devices, Intersections Between Technology And Culture, Physical Media And Media Players
  • Erin is a former digital marketer that has discovered the ins and outs of social media.
  • Her first computer was one that she helped her father assemble when she was four years old.
  • She is also a Rotten Tomatoes-approved entertainment critic, as well as a member of GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics and the Critics Association of Central Florida.


Erin M. Brady is a physical media lover, tech enthusiast, and critic hailing from the Sunshine State. Her work can be seen on The Daily Beast, /Film, Fangoria, Ebert Voices, Vulture, Little White Lies, and Collider. She's hoping to amass a large collection of Criterion and Arrow Video Blu-Ray releases in the age of streaming scarcity.


Erin has a Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies from Flagler College, focusing most of her studies on the sociopolitical messages behind popular media.
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Stories By Erin Brady