SlashGear Morning Wrap-Up: December 11th, 2012

Welcome to the cross-over with this morning's tip towards no less than iOS Office Apps from Microsoft for your iPhone and iPad. In London you'll be working with free wi-fi hotspots in cabs across the city starting next year. Google's CEO Larry Page has made it clear that he's not all about Apple's strategy when it comes to patents.


The next generation Maserati Quattroporte has been revealed to battle Porsche's "4-door bruiser." There's a Twitter update coming with Instagram-fighting photo filters – but not quite yet! Three private space firms have been rewarded $30 million USD to work with NASA – by NASA.

Up on Mars it appears that the Curiosity rover may have a fatal flaw in its drill. Automotive seats have been shown to be working with Bluetooth and self-adjusting insides – keeping you comfortable no matter what. There's a Kickstarter campaign in the works right this minute that takes VLC to Windows 8.

The folks at Skifta have released info on a streaming speaker deal that'll take on Sonos and Airplay. Yahoo has launched a brand new email web client. The Facebook privacy poll has been closed and Facebook becomes a little less private. Be sure to check out our brand new Acer Aspire 7600U Review from top to bottom!


