SlashGear Morning Wrap-Up: November 5th, 2012
It's time for Samsung's first big plunge in with the Windows 8 universe with their mobile data connected Samsung ATIV Smart PC – dropping on the 9th of this month. You'll be glad to find the Ubi Ubiquitous Computer up for pre-order now as well. A bit of a leak has occurred surrounding no less than Black Ops II.
The folks at HP have entered into Linux Foundation Platinum for $500,000 USD. Apple has announced that they've sold 3 million new iPads in their first weekend on the market – but they're not saying which units sold how much. Steve Ballmer is insisting that Windows 8 will ramp quite quickly.
Check out the column called Why I'm OK with the Death of Consoles as written by Don Reisinger. Be sure to peek at our massive Nokia Lumia 920 review in all it's glory.
The Wii U will be out in kiosks starting today – but wont be up for sale for a while yet (November 18th.) Sony has released their Sony Reader app for iOS – on the app store now! Alien life has been decidedly knocked down in all likelihood, so say scientists studying asteroids.
The Samsung Galaxy Camera has been priced and dated for the UK. The UK also has Skype pre-paid cards starting today. The dominance of the iPad has been tipped to slide as Samsung and Amazon ramp up. The PlayStation 3 is headed to China – maybe! The iPad mini has been torn down once again to show a price of $188 USD.