SlashGear Morning Wrap-Up 1/30/14: 5 Stories You Need To Catch Up On

If you're going to get through the rest of this week without hitting back-links like a maniac, you're going to need to see a few things first. Without a doubt the most important story in the past 24 hours has been the sale of Motorola by Google to Lenovo. We'll go ahead and start right in on that little tidbit today.


Google Sells Motorola to Lenovo

Just yesterday evening it was announced that Google had decided to sell part (but not all) of Motorola to Lenovo. Google announced that they'd be buying Motorola back in 2011 for $12.5 billion dollars, then they sold a bit of it off in 2013, then they sold the rest here in 2014. The deal isn't finalized – not by a long shot – but there's a lot more going on here than meets the eye.


You'll want to check out the Larry Page comment on the situation as well as calculations for how much Motorola's patents cost in the end for Google. Motorola's Project Ara and more are staying with Google, too.

Facebook Releases Paper

Facebook has made some waves over the past 12 hours or so, too, with a rather sizable bump in revenue as well as a new app called Paper. They've also made clear that they'll be making more standalone apps through the future, too.


Apple Pushes Sapphire Quicker in Arizona

You'll find that Apple is readying their Arizona Sapphire Crystal plant in an "aggressive" way to prepare for whatever product they've got coming up next. More than likely an iPhone than an iWatch, but you never know!


Dell Gets Tiny with Wyze Cloud Connect

Dell has announced a device that's essentially a computer in your pocket with the Dell Wyze Cloud Connect. You'll put it in your pocket, take it out of your pocket, plug it in to an HDMI port to computer, and put it in your pocket again.


Twitter Filters Incoming

Twitter will be bringing on updates soon that include filters galore. You'll have filters for everything from news to video to oddities of your choice – straight through Twitter's main page, and probably its apps as well.


You'll also want to have a look at SlashGear's ever-expanding collection of oddities in our fledgling Pin board called "SlashGear Technology" on Pinterest. Have at it!

