New iPad Has Consumer Reports Digging For Android Equals

A new report nutshell released today by Consumer Reports on the new iPad has taken to the wild world of Android to try to find comparable devices for the odd consumer. In addition to listing these, the product researchers at Consumer Reports reminded the public that the heat they found in the 2012 iPad was absolutely nothing to worry about, as it was still well within "who cares" standards for devices such as itself. The Android devices Consumer Reports went through, on the other hand, were reported as simple machines with one defining feature each, each of them good for a unique user situations.


The folks at Consumer Reports recently told the world that they found the new iPad to be hotter than the old, causing quite a panic amongst users who'd noticed the slight warmth and though that they should get alarmed at heat. As it turns out though, both the original report and the reminder reported today by Consumer Reports say that the heat is nothing a consumer should get hot under the collar about, it not nearly hot enough to burn a hand much less fry an egg.

The Android tablets they've listed in their newest report sit in several categories, their pros and cons listed in extreme brief. Have a peek here at an even more nutshelled version of the Consumer Reports list:

Toshiba Excite 10LE Pro: light and thin

Pantech Element Pro: Waterproof, Con: not readable in sunlight

Sony Tablet P Pro: dual screens for photo gallery navigation, Con: dual screens get in way of web browsing

Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 Pro: first OLED screen on tablet


Of course Consumer Reports makes sure to mention that the new iPad's Retina display is so good that they're adjusting their entire reviewed devices collection to reflect the fabulous sharpness, brightness, and viewing angles of the new iPad. That's a pretty hefty task and certainly doesn't happen every day over there at the ol' CR offices. They also mention that the new iPad is the new leader in their tablet ratings list – best tablet on the market, that is.

[via Consumer Reports]

