iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus now available for pre-order

When the Apple online store goes down, it usually means something big is coming up. In this case, it's one big and one even bigger. We're talking about the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, of course, and both will be available for pre-orders from Apple, once the store is back up for everyone or if you can access the site already.


No matter what they say against the iPhone 6 and its larger sibling, the initial supply, which is said to be quite limited, will undoubtedly still run out fast. So online pre-orders will definitely be a race to the death. But if you're not in the mood for that, you might want to look at other alternatives aside from Apple's online shop. Retailers such as Target, Walmart, Best Buy, and RadioShack have pre-orders also available, with some of them offering discounts or gift cards with the package. The only disadvantage: you'd most likely have to go to the stores yourself, which means possible lines.

And then there's the carrier route, with the accompanying contracts, of course. Prices for the iPhone 6 start at $199 for 16 GB of space, but if you want more, like 64 GB or 128 GB, be prepared to pay $299 or $399 a month, respectively. The iPhone 6 naturally starts at a higher $299. There will be off contract prices, too. The iPhone 6 starts off at $649, increasing by $100 as you go up the storage data ladder. The iPhone 6 Plus starts at $749 and follows the same pattern for 16, 64, and 128 GB models. Major US carriers such as AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon


Still undecided which model to take and don't really care for the price? Maybe our comparative rundown of the two's features can help you make up your mind. The iPhone 6, which itself is already significantly larger than the iPhone 5s, will already cater to most of a smartphone user's needs. But if you're in the market for a bigger, Full HD screen, Optical Image Stabilized camera, and a larger battery, then the iPhone 6 Plus is something you might want to consider. If you can get past the size, that is.

Pre-orders start today with shipping, for both iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, happening next week 19th of September. And it isn't in the US only but in 8 other countries also, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and the UK. Sadly no authoritative announcement yet for countries outside of these lucky 9. Right now, the Apple Store is still showing up as unavailable for many users, but some have reported being able to access it, even from their smartphone browser. Why not give it a try to see if it does work for you, too, and maybe put in an order for one yourself.

Pre-order: Apple, AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon

