Amazon Kindle Fire sales near 100,000 on first day
It is according to one digital marketing firm, eDataSource, sales of the cloud-based Amazon Kindle Fire Android-based tablet have reached 95,000 in its first day on the market – all of those sales being pre-orders. That's not quite one-third of the 300,000+ first-gen iPads sold on the first day back when it was released in April of 2010, but 100,000 is no number to scoff at. The Kindle Fire will officially be shipping on November 15th, just in time for you-know-what, and retailers are currently having heart attacks over its low price tag at $199 standard.
The way the firm that found the numbers for the Kindle Fire is via "tracking email purchases found in The New York research firm's database of millions of email, Twitter and Facebook marketing campaigns dating back to 2003." Given that Amazon has already reported that the Fire tablet had already been it's top seller for several days in a row, it doesn't seem out of line to guess that they're exactly right on their high-flying estimates. Speaking with AP, Brian Dunn, aka the current CEO of Best Buy, said that he estimated that "these Kindles are going to be some of the hottest gifts this year," adding that ereaders and tablets have "captivated consumers."
You can find out a bit more on what Best Buy is doing to make sure that captivation continues in a post on our sister site Android Community called Best Buy Takes Tablets Seriously with Massive Floor Setting – been to Best Buy lately? They're for real on the tablet market. Also check out Chris Davies' column Watch out iPad: Even indirect Fire can cook Apples and see our Amazon Kindle 2011 Wrap-up post including each of the several new models we got to take a look at.
THEN here's our hands-on video from the release event, look at that winner!
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[via Android Community]