Pancake Vs Hot Dog Style Air Compressors: What's The Difference, And Which Is Better?

So you're shopping for an air compressor? If you don't quite have the room for something like a free-standing high-capacity compressor or you're looking for something portable, the options are virtually endless. However, in general, most portable air compressors fall into one of two categories. They're either flat and round like a pancake, or long and tubular like a hot dog.

In many cases, deciding between a pancake-style or hotdog-style air compressor won't have much of an effect on the outcome. However, there are certain pros and cons to each type of air compressor. Whether you're looking for a compact compressor to keep for general use in your garage or you're looking for something you can easily throw in your truck or van to take to work, one of these will likely suit your needs. Let's dive into the key differences between the two so you can decide which one is best for you.

The Pancake Compressor

Effectively, the pancake compressor is the same as a taller free-standing compressor but scaled down on the vertical axis. Typically, the motor driving one is much smaller, too, considering it doesn't have the same large-volume tank to fill. Because of this, they are quite affordable.

The biggest benefit of this layout is stability. If you're planning on effectively leaving your compressor in one spot and just need it to be well-planted, this is a great choice. They are great for general in-garage uses like filling tires, inner tubes, and running pneumatic tools that don't demand a ton of air—basic impact guns, air grinders, etc.

Typically with a pancake air compressor, you'll get a higher capacity tank compared to an equivalently priced hot dog compressor. However, the pancake compressor can be difficult to carry long distances. They don't typically have any wheels. So, in general, it's a bit less portable. The pancake compressor is likely a good fit if portability isn't an issue.

The Hot Dog Compressor

The elongated shape of the hot dog compressor, of course, has its benefits as well. It can tuck up against a garage wall a bit better than the pancake compressor if you're in a tight working space. The key benefit to the hot dog compressor, however, is its portability.

Typically, the hot dog compressor features a set of caster wheels on the front, big wheels in the rear, and a large metal handle opposing the larger wheels. If you're in a situation where you constantly need to be moving the compressor around (such as an ever-evolving workshop) but don't need or have the budget for a large compressor, the hot dog compressor is a great choice.

Of course, if you're working on a sloped terrain, you'll want to be sure the compressor doesn't roll away. In addition, its narrow build gives it a bit of a tendency to be unstable. This is especially true considering the weight of the compressor motor sitting up top.

Finally, the capacity. Typically, as mentioned above, a hot-dog compressor will generally have a smaller tank capacity than an equivalent-price pancake compressor. If you need to get as much volume out of your compact compressor purchase as possible, the hot dog compressor might not be for you.