Kanye West Reveals Watch The Throne Cover and Release Info via Google+

While truly it should be par for the course that a big label artist like Kanye West would release information about a new album via Twitter, Facebook, and the like, it should come as an ominous surprise that a release would be done via a project still in beta mode: that being the brand new social networking site Google+. It appears that amongst the few other places that were pre-tipped with album information including MTV and DefJam (the label that'll carry the album,) Kanye's updated his Twitter page, Jay-Z's Twitter is up, and of course there's KanyeWest.com – right alongside Google+. It's interesting to note furthermore that Kanye's MySpace remained un-updated for hours after the initial announcements on every other major social networking site. Justin, what do you think of that?


Kanye West isn't the only celebrity that appears to have popped up on the brand new social networking site. Google+ now plays host to Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, the ever-present Ashton Kutcher, singer songwriter Taylor Swift, and a slew of alternate universe celebrities including Fake Billy (Bill Gates,) Mark Zuckerberg whom we're PRETTY SURE isn't real, and of course Vic Gundotra who is actually real but seems TOO AMAZING to be amongst us mere mortals. Also, it's a fabulous thing to see former MySpace omnipotence face Tom Anderson up in here.

As for WHAT Google+ is, if you're completely unawares at this point, we've got so much coverage that your head will burst! First, you can reach SlashGear directly at https://profiles.google.com/slashgearhead/ – do that now! Or of course if you're not yet in on the cool club: Get a Google+ invite from SlashGear! Next see an intricate taking apart of the system in a column by Philip Berne entitled Gender's Role in Facebook and Google+. Once you're fully pumped up by that, see how developers are now working with Google+ Social Gaming Team., what all this Google+, Circles, Sparks, Huddle and etcetera business will mean for me and you (a column by yours truly,) and finally get a full guide on the Google+ program, Top to Bottom .


[via Kanye West's Google+ Account]

