Is this the white iPhone 5 again?

Early last week we had some videos crop up that begged for speculation on whether they were the white iPhone 4 or a white prototype of the iPhone 5. Studying the images now, you will see that the proximity sensor is a bit different than that of the images purported to be an actual white iPhone 4 accidentally sold early from a Vodafone UK store. And now we have yet another image leak to get us wondering again.


This image of a white iPhone device was picked up by folks at M.I.C. Gadget, and is believed to be a white prototype of the iPhone 5. Although the proximity sensor on this device more closely resembles that of the one sold from the Vodafone store than the one from the videos, the screen appears to be much wider with smaller surrounding borders. The body shape also appears to be much thinner, but it's difficult to tell from the low quality image.

M.I.C. Gadget also has an image of the purported white iPhone 5 face plate sitting next to a purported white iPhone 4.

Here are two other images for your comparison. First is the image of the white iPhone 4 from the Vodafone store and the second is the image from the videos we mentioned.


It could also be possible that this is the prototype iPhone '4S' that sports the A5 chip, which has reportedly been seeded to game developers for optimizing games for the high-performance next-gen iPhone.

Either way, we should know for sure very soon what the actual white iPhone 4 will look like. A leaked memo and now a leaked screenshot of Best Buy's inventory status pinpoints Apple's white iPhone 4 to arrive on April 27th for both U.S. and Europe.

[via M.I.C. Gadget]

