Alex Laperriere

Photo of Alex Laperriere
Caravel Academy
Automotive Journalism, Formula 1, Music
  • Alex has been a freelance writer since 2018.
  • He founded the Alex Automotive YouTube channel, where he's reviewed cars ranging from high-end EVs to six-figure supercars.
  • Having been a newsroom writer for DriveTribe, he's now also a current news writer for HotCars and Shifting Lanes.


Throughout his four years working as an automotive journalist, Alex has seen the launch of the now fastest car in the world, the SSC Tuatara, as well as writing for numerous publications about the biggest news on four wheels. When he isn't writing, you can find Alex smiling the miles away in his ND Mazda Miata RF.


Alex honed in on the craft of journalism during his time at Caravel Academy, and writing for multiple publications since.
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Stories By Alex Laperriere