5 Things SlashGear Is Thankful For This Year
It's turkey day here in the United States, and as the reasons for Thanksgiving have been blurred and broadened since the first celebration many moons ago, so too must we take a non-traditional post: here's five things SlashGear is thankful for. We're a team from all across the United States as well as a few other continents on this lovely gadget-tastic world of ours, and even though the first Thanksgiving got its start in the USA, this whole day should be called one where we realize how very lucky we all are to have what we've got. That said, enjoy five items that the average citizen might never have considered, but that we here at SlashGear hold dear.1. The world as our office.
As the internet can now be accessed by anyone essentially anywhere on our cool connected planet these days, so too can we write up the news on technology, gadgets, and everything in between from any ol' place we deem perfect for the job at the time. Have a peek at this video from earlier this month where I'm taking a look at Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich on a Galaxy S II, but pay close attention to the sounds you hear in the background. I'm in the comfort of my own home in the company of my lovely daughter who is giggling with glee seeing her papa filming a video for all of you readers out there:
2. Unlimited mobile data.
Because most of us switch through devices so often as the review units come and go, we're connected 100% of the time as we wish. This is fun as there's no reason to worry about streaming music from our newly loaded Google Music libraries, and allows us, again, to remain connected no matter how often we've been using our smartphones during the month. Even in the airport, even in the middle of the night in a taxi, on the way to and from events, always.
3. Unlimited media collection.
With all of these devices comes the ability to collect everything in our lives for later viewing and listening – most often this coming in the form of something so simple as a smartphone camera. I remember back less than 10 years ago how awesome it was to be able to have a point and shoot camera in my pocket and snap photos and videos 24 hours a day. Now it's even easier as this is combined with the ability to share the media we've collected to social media networks like Facebook and Google+, the latter having just been released inside the last year as well. The following example is from Vince's recent review of the Galaxy Nexus from Samsung.
4. Processing power.
Each year the chips get smaller and the power gets better, and the ability to use that power more effectively gets better as well. Take a look at your humble narrator's best attempt at making one of the newest processors' abilities and functions understandable by the common user: NVIDIA's Tegra 3 Variable SMP, the brain of quad-core mobile computing, and NVIDIA expands on project Kal-El (Tegra 3) and adds a fifth core, and of course NVIDIA Tegra 3 Quad-core Mobile Processor Revealed and Detailed. Get to know what's about to be inside your everyday awesome mobile devices.
5. Massive variety.
I'm thankful for the year that's about to unfold as we're about to get a whole lot more diverse in the products we review. We've been relatively heavy on the mobile end over the past year or so, but have a look today in our review portal, for example, at the spread we're starting to reveal and prepare yourself to be drown in gadget goodness!
What in the world are you thankful for?