YouTube Live isn't just on the Galaxy Note 5

Today Sony updated their app "Live on YouTube" prompting many non-Sony Xperia device owners to realize that the app Live on YouTube existed in the first place. While YouTube may be making a new initiative to take on services like Periscope with a "YouTube Live Broadcast" integration feature on devices like the Samsung Galaxy Note 5, Live YouTube apps are already out on the market. Sony's newest update makes theirs one of the best and most well-working out right this minute.


In addition to the YouTube Live app for Xperia devices, there's YouTube Live integration for the HTC Re. This activation of live video streaming came shortly after the launch of the Re – this service works on iOS and Android apps for the HTC Re.

YouTube is ramping up LIVE action on devices as well as the desktop-based web. They've been testing live abilities for the past several years, and have even gone so far as to create a YouTube LIVE Portal for all live video – curated by real YouTube creators.

Expect YouTube LIVE Broadcast abilities to come to all Android devices within the next year. For now, you'll have to rely on your Xperia device to give you Live on YouTube from one device alone. Or wait until the Galaxy Note 5 or Galaxy S6 edge+ comes to market. Whichever you want!


