Thinnest PlayStation Yet in PS3 Model Revealed Today in Japan

So you think you've got the tiniest PS3 on the market, yes? Perhaps you've got the one that's sucking up the smallest amount of your power and you're quite happy with the minuscule amount of energy it taps into your bills with, yes? Sony does not agree with you. They've got a brand new model that's even thinner, even greener I daresay than the previous champion. This device goes by the code CECH-3000B, a Japanese version of the previously revealed CECH-3001B, this newest model featuring a tiny 200W power draw instead of 230W on the current smallest model PlayStation 3 gaming console. Time to add a few books to the shelf!


This silent announcement is actually more of a reveal, it being found by intrepid fans searching through press releases not yet shown to the world outside Japan. This newest model is not without its limits, you should know before we go on: Blu-ray movies are limited to 480i if you're not using the HDMI or video out via HDCP, while games have no such limit. Additional specs include the following: 290 × 65 × 290 mm in size, 2.6kg in weight, and operating along AC 100V, 50/60Hz.

This model is slated to be released on June 30th in Japan with a 320GB model costing $436 in converted USD and will indeed replace the previous 2500B model. This device will be sold together with a special HDD Recorder in a bundle that will allow you, the Japanese user, to record TV shows to said hard drive using Torne. Another bundle will be available on September 8th for $473 converted USD.


As you well know, a device popping up in Japan does not ALWAYS mean it'll be showing up in the United States of America, but it DOES point toward the possibility. With recent extended talks of the PlayStation Network being hacked again and again, it's hard to speak about Sony's connected electronics without feeling a little bit odd.

That said, there are still millions of ravenous fans out there dedicated to living out their gaming lives on Sony equipment, be it the PlayStation, the Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY, or any number of connected electronics. Sony stay strong! Keep making wonderful object for us all to play with forever!

[via Electronista]

