Microsoft's HoloLens is not for you (yet)
Today Microsoft HoloLens was released for purchase – sort of – for developers, in a kit that's made strictly for those that plan on making software for the device. This version of Microsoft HoloLens is not meant to compete with the other virtual reality headsets being revealed and/or released in the next several weeks. The Oculus Rift, for example, has had several developer kits released in the past. The HTC Vive, too, has had its own developer release before now. This is just the beginning.
With the advent of the virtual reality headset comes the early availability for the developers. With the early availability comes confusion. You see – this is not a piece of equipment that you purchase expecting to have the full, final experience that the "Consumer Edition" will bring.
SEE: Here's how you get Microsoft HoloLens
This is similar to what happens with companies like Sony or Microsoft release a new PlayStation or Xbox. They don't just toss the systems out into the wild with no games. First they seek out developers.
They seek these developers with developer hardware – early Xbox and PlayStation units that look very little like what the final product will be. Though that process is generally done behind closed doors.
Here with the VR headset, or in Microsoft's case the AR "Holographic" headset, it's all out in the open.
Microsoft needs to prove themselves.
So did Oculus, and so does HTC and Valve.
They've needed to create a rumbling in the public about how they have the technology to move forward. They also need to make the public understand that this headset, while awesome, is just a precursor to the real thing.
And once the real thing arrives, the public should respond with many dollars and much selling out of units.
Until then, we've got the following.