Google 2014 Year In Search Results Are In

This week Google has released its yearly run-down of what's been popular in search terms over the past 12 months. This 2014 Year in Search was topped – above all else – by Robin Williams, whose life ended in August of this year. Searching for Robin Williams was followed by searches for "World Cup", then Ebola, then Malaysia Airlines and the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Flappy Bird, Conchita Wurst, and ISIS. As for the break-down into categories, Google sorted out People, Athletes, Consumer Electronics, Global News, Google Doodles of 2014, "Loss", World Cup Matches, and YouTube Videos.


Of course what we're most interested in is the Consumer Electronics set of searches, so we'll begin there. Surprisingly this year's search rundown of Consumer Electronics trending topics was not dominated by any one brand. The iPhone 6 was first on the list, followed by the Samsung Galaxy S5.

After the Galaxy S5, the Nexus 6 was third on the list, followed by the Moto G. The Moto G, mind you, was one of only two products on this trending list released at a price point below $200 USD. The other was Nokia X, a device that had Nokia finally, at long last, creating a smartphone running Android.

The Moto G was Motorola's first jaunt into the super-affordable Android universe back in early 2013 – and it paid off really, really well. \


So well, Motorola made another Moto G in the year 2014 with the same name.

After the Moto G you'll find "Samsung Note 4", LG G3, and Xbox One. Notable absent from the top-10 list is PS4, PlayStation 4, or any combination of words therein. Perhaps because of a split between terms – who knows?

After Xbox One you'll find Apple Watch, Nokia X, and iPad Air. So while Apple didn't dominate the top of the list, they DID have the most entries. How about that?

