How To Register Your Milwaukee Tools (And Why You Should)

In some cases, you'll need to register your tools with the manufacturer to activate the warranty, but that's no longer the case with Milwaukee. All Milwaukee tools come automatically registered with the warranty, so you're set as soon as you purchase to complete your purchase — at least in North America. This means the next set of tools you pick up for your home mechanic set will automatically be backed by the applicable warranty. This is good for people who are forgetful and may have neglected to register a tool when they brought it home. If you're in Europe, you can navigate through the EU version of the Milwaukee website and register your tool.

Having your Milwaukee tool automatically registered does come with some caveats, however. You have to buy from an authorized Milwaukee retailer, which means tools you buy from Amazon or eBay will not automatically be registered. Luckily, Milwaukee says it isn't completely necessary to keep receipts to prove purchase, but it won't hurt to have it to show your tool is within its warranty window. However, the tool's date code can be used to determine whether its warranty is active.

What does Milwaukee offer with tool registration?

Tool registration with Milwaukee means you can access everything the company offers with its warranty. This is an automatic process, and you'll get many benefits with the warranty. If you're within that window, you'll get free repairs and replacements on your tool if there is a defect. If you're outside the warranty window, you can still get repairs through the Lightning Max Repair system, called "LMR" by Milwaukee. LMR promises never to charge you more than the quoted price, but you are missing out on a free repair like you're guaranteed through a warranty. If you need to use call in your warranty, contact a Milwaukee service, and send your tool in with your receipt if you still have it, though if you don't the serial number will do fine. Just because the brand is reliable doesn't mean you won't need to take advantage of the warranty at some point.

While manual registrations have largely been done away with, you'll still benefit from checking in through the One-Key system, a recent addition to the Milwaukee line. This system lets you keep track of all of your tools' locations, which is especially useful for construction managers who may lend tools around. You can also track how the tools are used by registering them within the One-Key system.