iPhone's Most Popular Paid iOS Apps, Ranked

Dipping my toes into the world of paid iOS apps always makes me pause. I think it's the ghost of past purchases haunting unused corners of my phone. I don't like being reminded of times when an impulse buy didn't quite pan out. No one likes to waste money, so I find myself weighing up every decision before hitting purchase. I'm sure many others feel the same way and are on the fence.


That's why I've downloaded and used these top 12 most popular paid iOS apps in the App Store, exploring everything from task simplification and productivity boosts to fitness and health and apps that provide an outlet for my creativity. My collection of these particular paid apps has made me appreciate the developers who deliver apps that positively affect my life.

This exploration has reaffirmed the notion that in the world of paid iOS apps, smoother experiences, unique features, and the blissful absence of ads really are worth the price.

12. Goblin Tools

In today's world, there's always something making it tough for many of us to feel like we're being productive. This is especially true for those who find focusing a challenge or are neurodivergent. That's why Goblin Tools is a valuable paid app that only costs $0.99. It currently sits at the second spot in the Utilities category, and it's easy to see why.


Goblin Tools stands out for simplifying life's complexities through practical, easy-to-use features that break down tasks into manageable bite-sized chunks. It can be a lifesaver on days when everything feels overwhelming and too much to handle. The app integrates artificial intelligence with tools like The Magic To Do, Formalizer, Judge, Estimator, Compiler, and Chef. Each one does a specific task, from providing step-by-step guidance to changing the tone of your content and even analyzing the sentiment of your speech. It's pretty impressive.

However, the app isn't flawless, and some users point out that it's not quite mobile-friendly. Estimating or organizing subtasks for complex projects can also be a bit of an issue. Also, many users were hoping for more functionality, like the ability to save tasks, customize categories, and set up recurring tasks. Even though the app has some drawbacks, for only a dollar it can help one get a better handle on managing tasks and navigating the challenges that come with being neurodivergent.


11. My Macros+ | Diet & Calories

I always tell myself, new year, new me. And this time, I mean it! My Macros+ has made it to the number four spot in the Health & Fitness category, and rightfully so. After going through many fitness and nutrition tracking apps, My Macros+ has stood out. 


If you're serious about your health goals, My Macros+ helps by simplifying your diet plan and tracking your exercise. I find this holds me accountable and is motivational. The app also has an extensive database that caters to a diverse dietary preference for its users, whether you're vegan, keto, gluten-free, or anything else –- the app is like having your very own personal nutritionist.  

However, some users have pointed out that the interface could be more intuitive. Others have mentioned occasional glitches and sync issues, particularly when integrating data with other fitness apps or devices. Also, some users have noted some difficulty finding specific foods or needing more comprehensive home-cooked meal options.


Despite this, I think investing in My Macros+ for less than a cup of coffee is worth it. You can't put a price on your health and well-being; the app provides a structured and supportive path toward achieving your dietary and fitness goals.

10. Breviarium Meum

Breviarium Meum takes the fifth spot in the Lifestyle category and only costs $0.99. The app is a gateway to spiritual routines and a digital sanctuary connecting one's faith through traditional Latin prayers. No matter where you are, you can seamlessly integrate spiritual practices into your daily life. The app offers more than prayers, but also readings and rites, all in Latin, all right in your pocket. 


Some users did have complaints, though. While it had rich content, many said it could benefit from updates to improve the user interface so that it was more intuitive and modern. Navigation also proved tricky. There is also an issue with the language barrier, and that is because those who aren't better-versed in Latin can view the app as unapproachable. 

However, Breviarium Meum still offers a portable, accessible, and rich resource for engaging with the traditional Latin breviary. The app is a unique and precious tool for those dedicated to incorporating spiritual rituals into their daily lives.

9. Forest: Focus for Productivity

Taking the top spot in the Productivity category on the App Store, Forest: Focus for Productivity, has turned my time management into an engaging game of growth and reward. Forest has a unique approach to productivity while at the same time promoting environmental consciousness. The app encourages users to plant and grow a virtual forest as they focus on tasks, which helps minimize distractions and incentivizes you not to be distracted all the time with your head down, glued to your phone. 


What's also really cool is that Forest collaborates with real-world tree-planting organizations, so your virtual forest actually has a real-world impact. The app's gamifying aspect has users collecting coins that can be spent to plant real trees. The app costs $3.99, so it can turn some people away from hitting the purchase button. 

Many find the functionality limited, especially if looking for a comprehensive project management tool. The app relies on your self-motivation and commitment, but Forest: Focus for Productivity has a unique approach that helps users focus on their immediate tasks and gives users a sense of contribution towards a greater cause. It ranks up there as one of the best apps to increase your productivity.


8. AnkiMobile Flashcards

AnkiMobile Flashcards is the most expensive app on this list, coming in at $24.99. So who in their right mind would drop that much on an app? Well, there's a reason why it sits at the first place spot in the Education category. When I studied Chinese Mandarin, flashcards were critical to my language-learning journey. The app is worth its weight in gold, making learning much more engaging and enhancing memory retention.


The spaced repetition system is a scientifically proven method to improve memory retention. AnkiMobile leverages this approach so that the frequency of each flashcard shown is based on your performance, ensuring that you're reviewing at the best interval. Having effective learning tools at your fingertips, like Anki, also allows you to get multiple types of content like text, images, audio, and video. This multimedia approach is for more than just learning languages. You can study pretty much anything. Users can tailor their study material to their specific needs.

Besides the high price point, some may feel that the app has a steep learning curve and an overwhelming interface. While some may appreciate the level of customization options, others may prefer a simpler solution. Still, if you're serious about learning, Anki is one of the best language learning apps available.


7. Tonal Energy Tuner & Metronome

Tonal Energy Tuner & Metronome, priced at $4.99 and currently ranked first in the Music category on the iOS App Store, is like a Swiss Army Knife for musicians. The app is an all-in-one solution that provides tempo, tuning, and a bunch of practice tools. It's pretty sweet and does a lot more than I expected, like providing feedback and instruction that makes the app fun and educational. I play the saxophone, and the tuner is spot-on and convenient. I can also set the metronome and no longer have to juggle multiple devices. This alone is worth it. The app also incorporates gamified aspects, which make learning fun.


Some users say the app has a bit of a learning curve, and the features can be overwhelming, requiring time to explore fully. Still, I find it to be a great tool that makes practicing my instrument a breeze. While the price can be off-putting, it's getting its fair share of use and is a worthwhile addition to any musician's arsenal.

6. AutoSleep Track Sleep on Watch

There are two kinds of people in the morning — wolverines and fluffy rabbits. Depending on whether I've gotten a good night's sleep, I can be one or the other. Sleep is crucial and dictates how the rest of my day will be. That's why the AutoSleep: Track Sleep on Watch is so valuable and comes in at #3 in the Health & Fitness category. 


AutoSleep helps me understand how I slept the night before by tracking and providing analytics. This helps me understand how to improve my sleep and track my sleep habits with my Apple Watch. For $5.99, AutoSleep works best with the Apple Watch by detecting sleep phases. The app gives users metrics on deep sleep, restfulness, and waking moments. It really helps me get a clearer picture of my night's sleep.

One downside is that the price point may be too high for some. Also, the data can be overwhelming, and an Apple Watch, which can be pricey, is required. Regardless, AutoSleep is up there with the best sleep tracker apps on the iPhone.

5. 75 Hard

75 Hard is available for $6.99 and is currently ranked second in the Health & Fitness category on the iOS App Store. Its rigorous and structured program delivers a no-nonsense approach to pushing your limits. 


The app is a clearly defined 75-day challenge that includes diet, exercise, reading, and drinking water. I don't have to guess what workout routine I'm doing next, as now I have an app that encourages mental toughness and discipline. I like the app's task tracking, reminders, and motivational tools -– it's like I have a personal trainer in my pocket. 

At $6.99, 75 Hard is on the higher end of other health and fitness apps. Besides the cost, users should be up for the challenge, as it's strict and intense, so it might not be suitable for everyone. In addition, the program has a rigid structure, there's no flexibility, so users can't deviate from the 75-day plan. I've found the 75-day Hard challenge to be tough, but it has led to a stronger, more disciplined self.


4. Procreate Pocket

Procreate Pocket brings the power of digital art to the iPhone and is a great creative outlet. If you've got a lot of creative ideas buzzing around and want to draw or paint without all the mess, this app lets you use your iPhone. The app is a great example of how mobile platforms can be used to create high-quality art. 


The app sits at the top spot in Graphics & Design and boasts a wide array of brushes, effects, and tools for many artists at all different levels. I like to sketch and find the intuitive design exceeds my expectations, making it a smooth experience that balances simplicity and functionality. This paid app includes professional-grade features such as layers, blend modes, and a hi-res canvas that lets one really get into creating detailed and complex art. 

Some drawbacks are the number of tools and features that overwhelm new users. Also, because Procreate Pocket is for the iPhone, the experience can differ depending on the user's model and screen size. Regardless, for just $5.99, Procreate Pocket is a must-have app for anyone interested in digital drawing and painting. It's also a great iPhone app to use whenever you're on a lunch break.


3. The Wonder Weeks

Navigating parenthood is a complex journey, and The Wonder Weeks can be an indispensable resource through your baby's developmental milestones. Its insights into mental leaps and practical advice offer peace of mind. 


The app is ranked first in the Health & Fitness category, and it stands out as the main go-to app for parents looking to understand and support their child's growth and development. What's great is that the app provides detailed explanations of your baby's mental development phases, known as leaps. This helps many parents understand their baby's behavior and abilities and has fostered a deeper connection for a smoother parenting journey. 

The Wonder Weeks app also offers actionable, practical advice for parents on soothing, stimulating, and bonding with their baby. It even has a customized timeline based on the baby's due date so parents can anticipate leaps.

A downside some have mentioned about the app is the focus on mental leaps can lead to anxiety for parents and concern if they feel their baby isn't precisely on schedule. Also, depending on the device, the app's user interface can be difficult to navigate and take away from its overall usefulness. However, the app is a valuable parenting aid and a worthwhile investment for new parents. It ranks up there with apps every new parent needs to have installed.


2. HotSchedules

HotSchedules claims the top spot in the Business category on the iOS App Store, which shows just how important employee schedule management is. This app is useful for team logistics and is simple enough to use, reducing the time and effort usually involved in scheduling. The app enhances communication between managers and team members and fosters a more cohesive and productive work environment.


HotSchedules makes it easy to create and modify schedules and communicate schedule changes, availability, and shift swaps. On top of that, employees can submit their availability and request time off or pick up open shifts directly on the app. HotSchedules also has a reporting and analytics tool so managers can see labor costs, employee performance, and scheduling trends. It is a valuable app for making decisions that help everything run smoother.

1. Shadowrocket

Shadowrocket is the most popular paid iOS app in the Utilities category. One can never be too safe in this digital age, and with many concerned about their privacy and security, the app has proven its worth far beyond the $2.99 price tag.


This is an app that goes beyond a simple VPN or Virtual Private Network. It controls internet traffic on my iPhone and has detailed settings that let me shield my data from prying eyes and even secure my internet connection on public Wi-Fi networks. I find this valuable when working at my local cafe.

Since Shadowrocket can control and monitor the flow of data, you get an overview of your digital footprint. This can prove complex for some users, and the level of customization and settings can detract from those looking for a simple VPN. Its advanced features require tech-savviness. Still, the app is a powerful tool for anyone looking to improve their internet privacy and security and is a valuable asset in managing online activities.


How These Choices Were Ranked

Putting together the top 12 most popular paid iOS apps combined the insights from the App Store and what I already had downloaded on my iPhone. I compared what was on the Top Choice section and realized that most of these apps weren't just names on a list — they were apps already living on my phone. The value of these apps makes this roundup a personally vetted guide to the best that the App Store has to offer.


