How To Use A Nintendo 64 Controller On PC

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The controller that came with the Nintendo 64 was as iconic as it was, let's say, distinctive. To this day, people still crack jokes about being uncertain of how they're even supposed to hold the three-pronged wonder, and its ridged control stick has destroyed many palms in games of "Mario Party." Even so, the controller has its appeal, especially if you're looking to play retro games in the most accurate way possible.

Of course, as is often the case with retro hardware, getting it to work with modern tech can be a bit of an undertaking. Due to its nontraditional setup, a regular Nintendo 64 controller can't be used with a PC as is. Luckily, incompatible inputs have never stopped the PC peripheral world before, and it definitely isn't stopping it now. All you need is the proper hardware, and you, too, can play games on your PC with one of history's most lovably weird controllers.

Using a real Nintendo 64 controller

Whether you already have a genuine Nintendo 64 controller from back in the day or just picked one up for authenticity's sake, it is possible to connect it to your PC. However, since the device uses an old proprietary connector, you can't just plug it into a modern PC. Instead, you'll need an adapter to change the Nintendo 64 controller's connector into something usable like a USB.

There are a few options for this on the market, though one of the most affordable and readily available is the Hyperkin Controller Adapter, a simple one-way plug. Here's a quick setup guide.

  1. Plug the adapter into an open USB port on your PC.

  2. Plug the Nintendo 64 controller connector into the other end of the adapter.

  3. Your PC should recognize the controller and begin setting it up.

  4. When the setup is finished, you can play games and use compatible software with the controller.

Remember that your PC won't explicitly recognize the controller as a Nintendo 64 one but merely as a generic gamepad. You can use it with games and emulators, but you must set button assignments yourself.

Using a third-party Nintendo 64 controller

Suppose you don't have an old Nintendo 64 controller and aren't especially bothered about authenticity. In that case, you can make the process easier on yourself by purchasing a modern-made one. Many current hardware manufacturers have created their gamepads in the Nintendo 64 controller's style but with a simple USB connector on the cord instead of the original connector.

You can find a few good options for this approach on Amazon, though we recommend the SAFFUN Wired USB N64 Controller. The setupĀ is the same as any other generic USB game controller.

  1. Plug the controller's USB connector into an open USB port on your PC.

  2. Windows will detect the controller and begin setting it up.

  3. Once Windows is finished, you can use the controller to play games and use compatible software.

It should be noted that a USB Nintendo 64 controller, technically speaking, is only shaped like the real thing. In other words, it's only meant to be used with a PC and may not function properly with something that can't recognize its inputs, like a Nintendo Switch.