How To Use A Nintendo 64 Controller With Your Switch

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Embracing nostalgia while navigating the rapid advancements in technology can be a tricky line to toe. While newer devices are often mechanically better than older ones, that doesn't mean you must let go of your favorites. For many gaming enthusiasts, the Nintendo 64 controller embodies this sentiment. Known for its unique trident design and immersive analog stick controls, the N64 controller shaped an entire generation's gaming experience.

With the advent of the Switch, new gaming standards have emerged, but many Nintendo fans still yearn to feel the comfortable grip of their cherished N64 controller. Fortunately, it is possible to integrate the N64 controller with the Nintendo Switch console using a third-party adapter. It enables gaming enthusiasts to indulge in current and classic Switch titles, wielding their much-loved N64 controller. In addition to third-party adapters, 8BitDo, a small hardware and controller company based in Hong Kong, is releasing a kit this summer that will allow you to convert an old N64 controller into a Bluetooth device that also works with the Switch.

Why you might want to use an N64 controller on your Switch

While the art of controller design has seen remarkable innovations over the years, there's a compelling reason to couple an N64 controller with a Nintendo Switch. Unveiled during a defining period in video game history, the N64 controller pioneered new frontiers in gaming control. It was a marvel in its era, revolutionizing how gamers played by introducing the groundbreaking analog stick and unique trident shape.

The allure of reconnecting with this pioneering piece of hardware extends beyond its historical significance. Pairing an N64 controller with a Switch sparks a profound sense of nostalgia. This vintage relic, once the conduit for countless hours of immersion in fantastical realms, remains an emblem of gaming's golden age.

It particularly shines when revisiting classics like Legends of Zelda and Pokemon on the Switch. Recapturing the sensation of directing Link through Hyrule or training Pikachu in your local Pokemon Gym with an N64 controller can rekindle cherished memories, amplifying the gaming experience. These sensations, bridging past and present, underscore the beauty of blending a trailblazing artifact with today's gaming technology.

How to connect a Nintendo 64 Controller to your Switch using third-party devices

The Nintendo 64's controller, iconic for its distinctive design, employs a unique interface that's not USB compatible. Consequently, connecting it to a Nintendo Switch requires a third-party adapter, a device that allows the N64 controller to interface with the Switch via USB.

  1. First, you'll need a reliable N64-to-USB adapter. This gadget will convert the controller's unique output into a recognizable USB signal.
  2. Before connecting, ensure you have your Switch console turned off to avoid any potential software issues.
  3. Insert the N64 controller plug into the port on the adapter. Subsequently, connect the USB end of the adapter to the Switch console.
  4. After the setup, power on the Nintendo Switch. The console should automatically recognize the N64 controller.

While this combination of old and new can lead to an exciting gaming experience, there are a few considerations to remember. Certain buttons on the N64 controller may not correspond perfectly with their Switch counterparts due to differing controller layouts. Moreover, latency issues could emerge, potentially affecting responsiveness during gameplay.

While the adapter method requires wires, 8BitDo is releasing a mod kit this summer that will allow tech-savvy gamers to convert the old N64 into a Bluetooth controller fit for everyday wireless use. This method will require some hardware changes, including removing screws, and the kits will ship on July 5th of this year.