Xbox One X Stops By Best Buy For Some Hands-On Time This Weekend
What we've seen of the Xbox One X has been fairly impressive so far, but Microsoft still has a tough sell ahead of it. If consumers want Microsoft's 4K console, they're going to have to shell out $500, which is no small price to pay. If you think you'd rather try before you buy, then good news, because Best Buy has announced that it will be offering hands-on demos this weekend.
Unfortunately, this demo event won't be available at all Best Buy stores. It isn't even close, in fact, as only 40 stores across the US will have Xbox One X consoles on hand for you to try out. Those 40 stores span 20 different cities, so if you're not nearby one of them, you're sadly out of luck.
You'll be able to play the Xbox One X on both Saturday, September 23, and Sunday, September 24. On Saturday, the hours the Xbox One X will be available are noon to 7 PM local time, while you'll be to check it out between 11 AM and 6 PM local time on Sunday.
Some of the games Best Buy will be showing off include Madden 18, Forza 7, FIFA 17, Minecraft, Final Fantasy 15, Super Lucky's Tale, and Rocket League. Of course, these games will be running on 4K TVs in-store, giving you the full Xbox One X experience. To see if there's a store near you offering Xbox One X demos, you can have a look here.
If there aren't any stores nearby you offering demos, the good news is that Best Buy will be offering these demo weekends four more times throughout the fall. There's no word on those dates or locations yet, but it stands to reason that Best Buy with switch up which stores get consoles each time one of these events happens. We'll keep an ear to the ground for more, so stay tuned.