White PlayStation 4 (DS4) controllers USA release tomorrow

Just in time for the midnight release of Destiny, Sony is releasing their "Glacier White" DualShock 4 controllers to the public. These controllers will be available inside the United States through Amazon, Target, Best Buy, and GameStop as early as tomorrow morning. Pre-orders start today, if you (for some reason) believe they'll sell out before you can hit the store.


For those of you that have never seen the Glacier White controller before, you're in luck! This controller features two tones of white, top and bottom, and a series of black buttons just like the original controller. Have a peek here.

Then take note that Sony has (relatively quietly) brought several other controllers to US markets over the past few weeks as well. First up there's Urban Camouflage! Look at how hidden it is!

Next there's JET BLACK! That's the original controller, so you'll have to go back to our PlayStation 4 Review or our first DualShock 4 Testing posts to see it.

Finally there's "Wave Blue" – now all we've got to wait on is the Red controller we saw earlier this year. Or the customized controllers we'll never see Sony release with bullets for buttons.


