Verizon: CDMA Nexus One will be offered by Google only

In an interesting piece of distancing, Verizon Wireless have been in touch to clarify exact details of the upcoming CDMA version of the Google Nexus One, which the search giant confirmed was in the works for a Spring 2010 release.  According to Verizon, the Nexus One will not be offered via any Verizon websales, phone sales or stores, instead being solely distributed by Google's own webstore.


We're seeing two likely possibilities for this particular move: either Verizon are looking to continue focusing their attentions (and marketing budget) on the Motorola DROID or they're hoping to cut off any customer services expectations that might arise from the Nexus One.  Google's new phone webstore could potentially cut into carrier sales, depending on which models they add to the line-up – they confirmed this morning that the Nexus One is only the beginning – so we're expecting to see a little more posturing and shuffling of positions before the year is out.

