'VAIO New Mobile' teaser from Sony Japan pictures netbook form-factor

In the wake of Sony New Zealand's teaser campaign, promising a new VAIO announcement on January 9th, comes Sony Japan's piece of the puzzle.  In their slightly more forthcoming teaser a woman is shown taking a long, narrow device out of her handbag – a device similar in proportions to the VAIO netbook seen at the FCC - with the tagline "VAIO New Mobile Coming Soon".


Clicking through the flash animation brings you to a similar sign-up page to that on the New Zealand site, where readers can register for more information as it is released.  You must have a SonyStyle ID in order to register.

Meanwhile, Sony New Zealand have taken down their teaser page, which used to be found here, with the tagline "the wait is over".  There's no word on whether those who signed up for a chance to win the new VAIO device are still entered into a competition, or indeed if any news will be forthcoming.

[via CrunchGear]

