Survey Finds Search-Branded Phone Market Hungry

Market research can be tricky – I know I've lied to someone surveying me, so I always try to take results with a generous pinch (or shovel) of salt.  I'd tentatively say that, going by The EQUS Group's findings, the well-recognised brand name of Google or Yahoo! would be a good place to launch a cellphone from; 55% of people surveyed said they'd be willing to buy a phone from one of the two search companies.


Obviously a Google Phone is no new rumour, but this new survey is bound to stoke the flames.  EQUS specialises in market-entry research, testing the waters for a new product or branch of an existing business, and while such important details as how many people were questioned and what preconceptions about a search-branded phone would consist of were missing, it's nonetheless good grist for the mill.

Incidentally, almost seventy-percent of mobile phone users questioned had accessed some sort of search tool on their cellphone.

Majority would purchase Google or Yahoo Mobile Phone [Cellular-News]

