Steve Jobs FBI file pulled with Freedom of Information Act

There's quite a bit of hubub about the Steve Jobs FBI file that's been put up for download by any man, woman, or child who would dare read it today, but not a whole lot of people speaking about how it came to us all now, of all times. What's going on here is that the FBI was vetting Jobs for a tech job with the President – a Bush at the time. The result of this interview process was a set of papers with interviews of colleagues of Jobs speaking highly and in some cases not so highly of his character – this packet of papers is now available for download thanks to the Freedom of Information Act and a fellow by the name of Michael Morisy.


Those of you looking for the file do download, you can head on over to and grab a copy for yourself – load it on up to your reader tablet! Then check it out – with the tool known as MuckRock and some well written paragraphs addressed to the FBI, mister Michael Morisy was able to request the file in question with only one initial letter and a few follow-up letters to remind them of the request. Because of the Freedom of Information Act's rules, the FBI was required to pull the file and send it over to Morisy in full.

Of course the PDF does have personal information knocked out of it, as it should, and there are some rather lengthy blocks whited out in what we must assume is an effort to keep the still living associates of Steve Jobs private as they were promised they'd be in the original interviews. Odd bits you can find though are the following: Steve Jobs Social Security Number, admissions by several colleagues that Jobs may very well have done his fair share of illegal substance consumption, and ideas along the lines of Jobs being satisfied only when he got his own way — these are, of course, all marks of a champion. And a champion we all knew Jobs to certainly be.


Check the file out then see if the FBI has anything else of interest you'd want to check out – there's more files in their repository than anyone could ever possible read in a lifetime!

[via MuckRock]

