PlayStation Move Could Hit Store Shelves As Soon As July

Sony's placing a lot of hope in their upcoming motion controller, and considering the upcoming competition, that's probably a good idea. With E3 just around the corner, there's no doubt in anyone's mind that Sony's holding their tongue, at least in any official capacity, to make sure that they get to announce all the goodness on their own stage. That's not stopping video game outlets like BT Games from (possibly) ruining the whole surprise.


Oddly enough, we thought we already knew when the Move motion controller was going to be launched. After all, Sony officially announced the motion-based peripheral only a couple of months ago. And with it, word that a release some time in the Fall of 2010 was mentioned. At least, "slated." Apparently though, BT Games (which is a video game outlet) just released an advertisement in their latest brochure stating that the Sony motion controller is coming in July.

No, there's no way to confirm this at the moment, and obviously Sony isn't going to say anything to confirm or deny it. They'll wait until E3. But, considering that Microsoft's Project Natal is coming in October, maybe jumping ahead a few months is the right way to go. What do you think? Project Natal or Move?


[via TechRadar]

