PlayStation 4 Releases Done Until 2014 Save Zen Pinball 2

While we'd love to see title after title released to the PlayStation 4 immediately following release here on the tail end of 2013, it would appear that we're about to hit a week-long block. Straight from the mouth of the beast – Sony – comes word that the last release of the year to the PlayStation 4 lineup will be Zen Pinball 2.


This pinball game has appeared on several platforms this year, spanning back months since it was released on Android by the same set of developers. With Zen Pinball 2 you've got a winning set of physics and aesthetics codes conglomerating around a number of tables, some of them based on pop culture titles, some of them created with more general themes. Users will start with a number of tables dependent on the number of tables they've purchased in the Xbox 360 or PS Vita versions of the game.

Users will be able to play Marvel Comics tables like Avengers Chronicles, Blade, Spider-Man, and Doctor Strange for a price per table. You'll also see The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett, and The Clone Wars pinball – each of these slightly different from the Android version of the game. Plants VS Zombies pinball, Epic Quest, and Earth Defense are in this massive environment as well.


Every single player can play Sorcerer's Lair for free, while all purchases from the PS3 version of the game are able to be imported to the PS4 version of the game for full play for free.

So tack that on to the ever-growing list of things you can do and play on the PlayStation 4 right out of the box if you happen to get one for a present this holiday season. You'll be waiting until the first week in January for any further releases, of course, but you'll have your plate full until then!

If you're without a PlayStation 4, or have just received a brand new unit and want to see what it's all about, (while you wait for your OTA software update to load), have a peek at our full Sony PlayStation 4 Review. It's a big-time in-depth dive for your information and enjoyment.

