Oracle agrees to $0 and moves to appeal vs Google

In a case whose roots go much further back than the few weeks and months that the actual in-court session has lasted, Oracle has accepted defeat at the hands of Google with a total of $0 damages. This case had Oracle suing Google for codes used in Android that they said the latter company had used without permission, looking to get reparations amounting in the billions. Instead what's happened is that the majority of the case has gone Google's way, and Oracle has accepted an agreement in which not only will they pay for Google's legal fees, they'll have essentially nothing to show for it in the end.


On the other hand, Oracle has been clear this week that they will be appealing this case with words exchanged directly after handing Judge William Alsup a notice that said the $0 was accepted "related to Google's infringement of Oracle's copyrights in connection with (1) the rangeCheck code in and, and (2) the eight decompiled files (seven '' files and one 'ACL' file)."

Alsup asked whether Oracle expected they would be continuing the case in any way – a question which Oracle attorney Michael Jacobs responded to by saying, "I hope we see you again after an appeal." Interestingly enough, Google and Oracle would end up seeing this same judge if they did win an appeal, this likely being the reason for the courtroom laughter heard right after Jacobs' final comment.


Have a peek at our timeline below of Oracle vs Google news bits and let us know what you think of this continuing case!

[via ComputerWorld]

