No Man's Sky developer confirms new release date: August 9

Earlier this week we reported that there was evidence the upcoming PlayStation 4/PC game No Man's Sky was going to be delayed by a few weeks, missing its June 21st release date. The bad news is that it's true, the adventure/space exploration game will be delayed, but the good news is that eager players won't have to wait very long. Developer Hello Games has stated that No Man's Sky will now be released on August 9th, adding an extra seven weeks.


Along with sources speaking to Kotaku, the main tip-off about the delay was GameStop altering their marketing materials, covering the June 21st release date with a sticker says "coming soon."

Hello Games' Sean Murray wrote on the official PlayStation Blog that the reason for the delay is to make sure No Man's Sky is the absolute best it can be. "Making this game is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but we are so close now, and we're prepared to make the tough choices to get it right," he explained, adding "some key moments needed extra polish to bring them up to our standards."

The eagerly awaited game is unlike anything that's come before. The entire universe is procedurally-generated, with no two planets — of which there are an estimated 18 quintillion — or creatures alike. Each planet has its own environment, wildlife, languages, and landscapes, and though all players will be playing in this same universe, the developers believe it will be rare for any two to encounter each other.


SOURCE PlayStation Blog

