Nintendo Switch games sale for Black Friday - our best picks
The folks running the Nintendo games store just publicized a so-called "Cyber Deals" sale in said store. Today we're going to run down the games that jump out at us, letting you know what's worth buying, and what's better skipped. The price cuts you're looking at here are mostly good if you've been waiting for a price cut that's good enough, but not necessarily "must buy" as such.
Our picks for what's excellent
The game SUPERHOT is available for around $15, down from $25. It's worth either one of these prices. The game SUPERHOT will fill your entire holiday weekend with the joys of time-slowing ducking and tossing, shooting and exploding.
The game Mortal Kombat 11 has one of the biggest discounts in the set this week. Normally $50, Mortal Kombat 11 is currently on sale for $15 USD. It's worth noting that this game is, if it weren't clear from the outset, EXTREMELY inappropriate for children – so don't go loading this on your family Switch.
The same goes for the hyper-addictive Diablo III: Eternal Collection. You'll find that game for approximately 50% off its original price, $60 down to $30. Similarly involved in details is the game Divinity: Original Sin 2 in its Definitive Edition. Normally this game costs $50, right now it's $35.
Slightly more family friendly – and a lot more retro – is the game Terraria. This game generally costs $30, right now it's $15. If you're looking for the masterpiece of the collection, take a peek at The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. This game generally costs $60, with good reason – right now it's $40 USD.
For the far more silly adventurer, there's Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove. This game is hours of odd entertainment and currently costs around $20, where it'd normally be $40. For the not-so-silly adventurer, there's DOOM (2017) for around $30 (instead of $60).
The game Hades is also on sale (however small a discount) at $20 from $25. This game is bringing home the awards and nominations with the likes of Animal Crossing and The Last of US Part 2 – so watch out!
Easily the goofiest game of the bunch is Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido. This game will cost you $25, where it's normally ringing in at $50. Another unlikely winner – mostly because it doesn't look like the sort of AAA game I'd generally go for – is Slay the Spire. It's a winner! Usually this game will cost you $25, right now it's $15.
BONUS: Not included in the Nintendo "Cyber Deals" set, but still on sale with the full Devolver Digital collection, is the game BROFORCE. This game usually costs $15, right now it'll cost you a measly $3.74 USD. I've played this game for many, many hours, and it's always worth a whirl.