Nintendo Points Non-Transferable Between DSi And Wii

At the launch of the Nintendo DSi last week the company also announced their DSi Shop and the rebranding of its "Wii Points" digital currency to "Nintendo Points".  We now know that doesn't actually mean the points are held in a universal bank; according to Siliconera once they're loaded onto, say, a DSi account, they can't be transfered to buy things for a Wii.


Nintendo Points cards will be sold in 1000, 3000 and 5000 amounts, while titles will apparently be priced at 200, 500 or 800 points.  The limitation on transfers is in place because Nintendo lack a centralized bank system, such as Microsoft and Sony use for their versions of the system, that could organize players' points.

The DSi Shop will allow new titles and other apps to be purchased from the handheld and downloaded directly to it when in WiFi range.  However Nintendo revealed yesterday that DSi titles – including online content – would be region-locked, so software intended for Japan will not work on US consoles.

[via Joystiq]

