Microsoft Sprinkles camera app is fun and not at all depressing

The developers at Microsoft have successfully created another distraction to our everyday massacre of a modern life with an app called Sprinkles. With the app, users will be able to see how old the machine thinks they are – though that's not a strictly new trick from Microsoft, it's still wonderful to be able to do, if you look young. Another feature is matching your face with the celebrity that looks most like you.


Those individuals that wish to find out which celebrity they most look like will be able to do so with the Sprinkles app. Microsoft has created an app that guesses your age and matches your face with that of a celebrity. I was a bit disappointed to find that this app does not allow me to usurp cultural inheritance or go forth and swap my face with that of another face.

It's OK, though. Microsoft has created a smart camera system which can automatically suggest captions for me. I don't have to think of anything clever anymore. It will no longer look like I'm just showing pictures of my face because I need my face to be seen. Now it will look like I've become quite clever.

The icon for Sprinkles looks like a pink donut – but to be clear, this is not the Simpsons donut. That media empire is not connected to Microsoft directly at this time. Unless they're working on some sort of secret dessert-themed software we've yet to hear about.


Users of iPhones and users of iPads can access the Sprinkles app download right this minute. Android users cannot access the app at this moment. Android users should – in my personal opinion – go check out an app like Nova Launcher instead – that's freedom of device instead of automatic photo captioning. We'll all be happier with that.

