Instagram 4.1 Adds Video Imports, Photo Straightening, More
Instagram has pushed out a new version, adding video imports for iPhone and Android, as well as automatic photo straightening functionality for those using the iOS version. Instagram 4.1 builds on the video functionality introduced back in June by allowing users to open, edit, and share footage taken with their phone's native camera (or, indeed, another third-party app), including trimming them down to meet the fifteen second limit.
The footage can be trimmed and new filters arrived, as well as converted into the square aspect-ratio that Instagram is known for. As of version 4.1, Instagram Video now supports Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and above devices, too, which the company claims has been the "number-one request" of Android users.
Multiple clips, meanwhile, can be added together to make a more interesting video, at least on iOS for the moment. By trimming down a video to under 15 seconds, and then importing another from the phone's gallery, users can piece together several to make an overall mini-movie. It's also possible to combine existing clips and new footage shot within Instagram on the iOS version.
In fact, those using the iPhone app, get a couple of extra features their Android cousins miss out on. Perhaps most useful is the ability to automatically straighten crooked photos, meaning no more skewed horizon shots.

In addition to letting Instagram automatically do the straightening, the app has a manual control for adjusting photos yourself. It works not only on shots taken within the Instagram app, but those imported from the phone's gallery, too.

Both iOS and Android versions of Instagram 4.1 are available to download today from the respective app stores.