Inbox by Gmail ready for Google Apps "imminently"

According to Google's Sundar Pichai, Google Apps users will be able to use Gmail's "Inbox" system very, very soon. This means that apps customers will be able to use this Gmail alternative – using Gmail's innards – for whatever they do so please – "imminently." Pichai also made clear that Inbox by Gmail is "coming to more places" as well. Users will find an an Inbox by Gmail error page if they attempt to jump in with email addresses inside Google Apps right now, but the switch should be flipped soon.


This is the switch between personal accounts and business accounts, essentially. If you check your email that doesn't have "GMAIL" in the title and you do it through Gmail, this is for you. "Inbox by Gmail is only available by invitation for personal accounts" is what you'll see now – soon you'll be able to jump right in.

Above you'll see our first look at Inbox by Gmail as it appears on Android devices. This app is being used here on an NVIDIA SHIELD Tablet back a few weeks ago.

Since then there's been one update to the system – an iPad edition. This version of the app is the same as its original version, just updated to fit inside a tablet sized display.

