HTC Calls Dibs On Android N For HTC 10, One A9, One M9

It's still too early to really be looking forward to the final release of Android N. It hasn't even been named yet (and Google wants you to help it decide on that). That, of course, isn't discouraging some OEMs from committing themselves publicly to supporting the update this early in the game. That is exactly what HTC is doing, going on Twitter to proudly proclaim that Android N, when it finally rolls out, will be available for the HTC 10, the HTC One A9, and the HTC One M9.


To give credit where it's due, HTC does have somewhat of a good record when it comes to Android updates. That was partly due to the flak that it and other OEMs received in the rather slow rollout of said updates. This even prompted HTC to share an infographic detailing the development, certification, and rollout process involved for each new Android update.

Android N will, of course, be very interesting to users, no matter their device. Even those on smartphones will be able to, in theory, experience at least the split window feature of the next Android version. Given how relatively big HTC's screens are, that is definitely a plus. Of course, there are other tasty new features coming as well, like Direct Replies, even better, and more reasonable, Doze support, and more.


As interesting as HTC's Android N list may be, equally interesting is what's not on that list. Missing is the One (M8) which, admittedly, has already reached its 2nd birthday, usually regarded to have gone out of active support. There are also no Desire models in the list. HTC could simply be trying to focus on its latest and greatest, but it would help spark confidence in the OEM if it also mentioned those in a different tweet.

Of course, the bigger question now is "when". Saying that you will doesn't really say when you will. Given how Android 6.0 Marshmallow is already a slow rollout for HTC's devices, that might not inspire much hope in a 2016 date.


