Gregory Siegal LifeMap Touchscreen Photo Memory Organizer

Industrial design student Gregory Siegal is sick and tired of people taking photos and leaving them languishing in random folders on their PC.  His LifeMap concept takes the form of a super-skinny touchscreen PC that can use geographical data and tags to display different timelines and memory sets.


"My inspiration for the LifeMap came from noticing the lack of intimacy in the interaction with most everyday products. Family photographs are very important and currently the process of storing and organizing them is tedious and boring. I wanted to create a product for families that would promote a meaningful interaction and attach more intimacy to digital family photos" Gregory Siegal

The concept includes docking points for cameras and the like, as well as a keyboard for entering tags, but is mainly taken up by a large touchscreen panel.  Multiple views are possible, including folder sets, sorted by time and date, and pin-pointed on a map.

Although this is just a concept at present, there's plenty of scope for some sort of real-world application using, say, HP's TouchSmart PC.  Microsoft, too, seem to be looking more closely at semantic organisation of media; their recent Surface demonstrations showed multiple ways to organise, view and interact with photos.  You can see our exclusive videos of Surface in action here.


[via BornRich]

