Google's new web ad campaign tries to tempt iOS developers

Google may have a lot on its plate with Android and its ad business, but that doesn't mean it can't take the time to make quality apps for iOS. Lately we've been seeing Google make a push for Apple's mobile operating system, releasing new apps like Google Maps after Apple decided to give the navigation business a spin. However, iOS apps don't just spring up from the ground – Google obviously needs developers to make these apps happen, so it has rolled out a new web ad campaign to attract the talent it requires.


It isn't anything spectacular, just a small little box ad that switches through slides showing off Google's iOS app offerings. It also invites developers to "Do cool things that matter," and tells them that they "can reshape Google on iOS." The ad is currently being shown on a variety of sites, but in case you haven't seen it yet, one YouTube user has captured it on video and you can check it out below.

Clicking on the ad will take you to a page featuring a brief interview with Ken Bongort, who works on the Google Search App team. The interview is quite obviously meant to relay what it's like to work as an app developer at Google, with Bongort talking about what kind of person these iOS app teams are looking for and what the most rewarding part of launching a new app is.


Those who are interested in working as an iOS app developer for Google can apply through that page, so if it sounds like something you'd want to do, it may not be a bad idea to fill out an application. This expansion seems to suggest that we'll be seeing much more from Google in the iOS space moving forward, which is always exciting. Even though Google already has a number of its biggest apps available on iOS, we're sure there's plenty planned for the future, so stay tuned.

[via 9to5Mac]

