Google Ventures continues to precede acquisition with Divide

The company formerly known as Enterproid – now as Divide – has been acquired by Google. Google Ventures previously invested in Divide, making this one in a line of companies that had investment cash from Google Ventures only to then be acquired by Google in its entirety. One does not always precede the other, but this situation is too plain to not explore.


According to Recode, Divide previously raised cash from investors ranging from Comcast Ventures to Qualcomm Ventures, also picking up Harmony Partners, Globespan Capital Partners, and Google Ventures, for a grand total of $25 million USD.

Back at the start of this month, several dots were put together outlining the Google Ventures-backed company Uber. This company now has Google Maps support, suggesting Google isn't as separate from Google Ventures as it once seemed.

Have a peek at our article Google Maps, Uber, Google Ventures: Driving Profit for more details on how Google Ventures may just be the down-payment for Google's eventual acquisition of all the companies.

Google Ventures also invested in Nest, a company acquired by Google in 2014. Google Ventures has also invested in the following companies in the Consumer sector:, Kabam, Fitstar, Nextdoor, HIDE, 23andMe, Airtime, AVOS Systems, Backplane, DJZ, Nifti, Rabbit, Rockbot, Rumble, Rumr, Scan, Swell, The Orange Chef Co., Triptrotting, and Weotta. Don't be entirely too surprised when any of these companies are picked up by Google proper.


Investments from Google Ventures also include: Pocket, TuneIn, RetailMeNot, Thinknear, cloudera, DocuSign, Foundation Medicine, and astrid*. *Acquired by Yahoo in 2013. BufferBox and Milk were also invested in by Google Ventures and were subsequently acquired by Google in 2012.

VIA: ReCode

