Google is looking for testers to JUMP into its VR camera rig

Let the puns commence. Virtual Reality is really only as good as the content that's available for that particular experience. With is new found VR push, with the likes of YouTube 360 and Cardboard, Google has very little choice but to help creators stitch up their video masterpieces, hence the introduction of JUMP. Now it is on the hunt for for those creative minds who are willing to make the leap into VR and take its camera rig for a spin. But considering the hardware that's involved, getting in isn't going to be easy.


At Google I/O late last month, the tech giant unveiled its own take on how people will be able to create content for virtual reality experiences, which it called the JUMP platform. Although it will be making the schematics available to let anyone make their own JUMP system, Google worked with GoPro to build its own setup. Practically an array of cameras arranged in a ring, this particular contraption looks more industrial, and also more powerful, than the UFO-like Samsung "Project Beyond" camera that has the same purpose.

Like many of its experimental consumer devices, Google is looking for brave souls to test drive JUMP. However, it is looking specifically for qualified brave souls, which isn't surprising given the complexity of the machinery involved. It has a setup a form for interested testers to fill up and, while a lot of it are just Q&A items, the real meat of the questionnaire comes in the description of your would be project. Naturally, Google will prioritize applications that have well-thought out and interesting ideas over those that seem rather dubious.


The form doesn't indicate until when people can sign up for the JUMP experience, but it does mention that those selected will receive theirs in summer, which could probably also mark the end of the application process. Google has also yet to release the promised schematics for others to build on, though those will probably arrive a lot later after his round of closed testing.

SOURCE: Google (Form)

VIA: TechCrunch

