Google Blobmoji Released As Stickers (And Here As Gifs)
This morning Google revealed that they'd brought back their Blob Emoji set – but not as emoji proper. Instead, "blobs" or Android emoji will return as part of several Android apps, as stickers. They may as well, right? They've already got the animations in their pocket, might as well toss em back out at the public once more.
Also note: this is World Emoji Day. It's one year to the day after Google officially first paid tribute to their long-gone Blobmoji with a set of stickers in Allo. Today those stickers appeared for the first time in a couple of other apps. Users this morning began to gain access to Blob Emoji Stickers in both Gboard and Android Messages. Below you'll see a gallery with the whole lot of these stickers in GIF form.
These little creatures are exceedingly cute, and reflect the latest version of Blob Emoji from Google. The entirety of the last set of Blob Emoji, Android Emoji, from Google can also be found over at Emojipedia dot org, all at once. SO MANY OF THEM are so very cute.
If you want to roll with blobmoji in your everyday Android experience, there are other choices, too. You could check out Github and run a module for Magisk. That'd require you to root your smartphone, of course, and isn't particularly simple to do.
If you're on an iPhone or iPad you could download the app Blob Emojoi from Vinny Sajkowski. UPDATE: That's a sticker pack for iMessage – silly me!
There are other Android options too, though most are only user-side, which is basically useless. Forever will we feel the loss of our precious blobs. Remember them! Remember them for all time!