Game Of Thrones' Jon Snow Appears In Teaser Poster

An official HBO teaser poster for Game of Thrones has appeared this morning, courtesy of the network itself. In the poster you'll find a battered and bloody Jon Snow, a character whom received the short end of the stick at the tail end of the last season. Now before you go any further, know this: we're about to drop some SPOILERS. So unless you're the sort of person who likes to be spoiled – or unless you like pain – turn back now!


The next chapter in the Game of Thrones saga is so very far up and away different from the books that anything could happen. Kit Harington talks Jon Snow's Game of Thrones future Any little thing could be made a big thing, and all tiny plot points – even details that are completely "wrong" – could be made real by the episodic movie series. Or TV show, if you prefer.

As such, Jon Snow could really be dead. He could be chopped to bits and fed to the dire wolves. He could be ripped asunder and turned into an icy pop soldier of the dead. But chances are, that's just not what's going on.

If you see the red, you see the blood, and you've read the books, you'll remember that Snow comes back. While he may have died, he's never really gone. The Lady in Red, priestess of the fire god – she's what fixes everything up fine and dandy. No worries for you.


Also there've been clues enough to right up-to and near prove the idea that Snow is coming back this next season. If not entirely alive, then at least for flashbacks. We'll see in April.

