Galaxy S8 battery is so tough, stabbing it won't make it explode

Perhaps the biggest question on everyone's mind upon seeing the Galaxy S8 is whether it will be as explosive as the Galaxy Note 7 before it. Given what's at stake, Samsung spared no expense at making sure it won't. And, apparently, that has paid off to the extreme. A pair of hardcore, smartphone-torturing YouTubers, namely "What's Inside" and JerryRigEverything, has put that promise to the ultimate test by slicing through the Galaxy S8 and its battery. Lo and behold, nothing went "Boom!"


The Galaxy Note 7 fiasco didn't really reveal anything shocking but highlighted a fact that has been true for decades now. We've been putting volatile, potentially explosive materials in our pockets and near our heads at night. Of course, battery technology has advanced to a point where that doesn't happen often, but not yet to the point that we can safely be rid of dangerous chemicals.

Samsung might be on the cusp of a new phase in battery technology development, which is both ironic and fitting given last year's events. The Galaxy S8 still uses the same lithium-ion type of battery that any other smartphone has. But, probably through some proprietary technology, hardened the battery to not make it explode under destructive situations. Like stabbing or cutting the battery with a sharp object.


Pairing with JerryRigEverything, popular "disassembler" YouTube channel "What's Inside" took a Dremel power tool to slice open a Galaxy S8. In doing so, however, it managed to also cut through the battery. But instead of catching fire, the battery only smoked and bloated and a bit of its blood (lithium-ion) oozed out. No fireworks, however.

So the Galaxy S8's battery can survive a bit of a puncture, but that doesn't mean it's completely safe from more extreme hazards. Still, it's quite reassuring to see that Samsung has more or less addressed one of the biggest doubts about its newest flagship. It remains to be seen, however, if that will be enough to bring back confidence in its smartphones.

