FBI crows Anonymous/LulzSec arrests as "Day Of Vengeance" nears

Two alleged members of Anonymous and LulzSec have been arrested by the FBI, the law enforcement bureau has confirmed, with a further suspect facing more charges. One of the men, Cody Kretsinger who goes by the LulzSec handle "recursion," is accused of assisting in the Sony hack earlier this year, Fox reports, and attempted to cover his tracks by wiping his hard-drives.


The others, Christopher Doyon and Joshua Covelli, were charged with involvement in a DDoS attack on Santa Cruz County servers last year. Doyon is believed to have been arrested by the FBI while homeless in San Francisco, and said to be a member of Anonymous.

The arrests follow more legal action earlier this month, when police grabbed two more computer pros in England believed to be involved in LulzSec and Anonymous activity. Nonetheless, the nature of both organizations means there's still plenty of work left for enforcement agencies to do: Anonymous is believed to have organized a so-called "Day Of Vengeance" intended to protest, in part, the execution of Troy Davis earlier this week, PC Mag reports.


"In coordination with these protests across the USA on September 24th, Anonymous and other cyber liberation groups will launch a series of cyber attacks against various targets including Wall Street, Corrupt Banking Institutions – and the NYC Police Department" Anonymous statement

The group is also angry about alleged treatment by the New York Police Department, which it claims staged aggressive anti-crowd techniques against protestors wearing the Guy Fawkes mask.

