Facebook for Every Phone boosts mobile access, offers free data

Is Facebook feeling the heat from Google+? It certainly looks that way; the social network is pushing its ubiquity message hard with the new release of Facebook for Every Phone, promising that the new app – which will apparently work on over 2,500 different devices – delivers "a great Facebook experience" for users "no matter where they are or how they access our site."


Functionality on offer includes the usual News Feed, Inbox and Photos, as you'd already find on, say, Android or iOS devices, but also brings photo uploading and the ability to search for friends from the contents of your address book. Facebook has also worked with carriers in various countries who will, as was the case with Facebook for Feature Phones, be offering free data access for the app, at least for a limited time.

Those carriers include Three in the UK, O2 in Germany and various Indian, Turkish and other networks; the full list is below. You'll need a Java-compatible phone to use the app, which should include most feature-phone handsets around on the market today.

You can download the new app by visiting m.facebook.com on your device (or d.facebook.com/install for the direct install option), as well as finding it in the GetJar, Appia and Mobile Weaver app stores.


