Are you looking forward to Apple's event?

We're one day away from Apple's next event. Are you excited about what'll be revealed, even if you've never owned an Apple product in your life? Apple's event may be the first to reveal more than 2 new iPhone models at once, and might also be the first to show an iPhone with an OLED display. What does this mean for the rest of the smartphone universe – and, more importantly, what does it mean for your wallet?


We've gone over what's expected at Apple's event several times now – especially when it comes to the next iPhone. We've even got a hypothetical schedule for the event. If the iPhone X is everything we've come to expect, it'll be a game-changer for the expected (and unexpected) in smartphone detailing.

SEE TOO: iPhone 8 is iPhone X – Apple's big secret spilled

The past 10 years have led the smartphone market largely to a place where a rectangular display is expected on the front of the phone. With Apple's next hero iPhone device – let's call it iPhone X for now – that era of expectation may be over. It might be time for a new golden age in experimentation.

Or perhaps it's time for Google to take Apple's place as the maker of smartphones that aren't particularly exciting, but "just work" as they're meant to. Maybe the Google Pixel phone lineup will be the go-to place for mobile data carriers when asked "My uncle is really bad at computers, what's the simplest smartphone here that's also the best?"


No matter what, I'm excited about the Apple event. I've used mostly Android phones over the past half-decade, and I use a MacBook Pro for work. I'm mostly excited because Apple's bravado keeps the tech industry exciting to be a part of – without them, there wouldn't be nearly as much excitement about device releases – Apple or otherwise.

Have a peek at the timeline below to learn more about what's to be expected at the Apple event as it takes place at 10AM Pacific Time. That's 12 Noon Central Time, 1PM Eastern Time. Mountain Time... you can figure it out. We'll be at the event bringing everything to you right up to the minute here in the main feed at SlashGear!

