Apple iPhone HD leaks again

A second iPhone HD fourth-generation handset has apparently escaped into the wild, this time in Vietnam, and we're starting to wonder if Apple's much-vaunted security are taking a nap.  The 16GB iPhone HD was "found" by Taoviet and matches the previously leaked phone which is the subject of an ongoing legal inquiry.Update: New teardown photos added after the cut (including one showing an Apple branded CPU)


The handset looks to be a little further down the line than that first leaked model, which lacked any sort of memory indication.  However the absence of model number and FCC ID number – both of which are merely blanked out with XXX's – suggest this is still all pre-production stuff we're dealing with.

We'll have to see what Apple's response is to this particular leak; last time the company was accused of being a little heavy-handed, but at this rate there won't be much new for Steve Jobs to take on stage at WWDC 2010.  Still, we'll be at the show liveblogging the keynote as usual; more details here.

[via Engadget]

