Apple iPhone 5 event video released: Relive the launch!

Apple's iPhone 5 event may not have been streamed – instead nearly 17m of you joined us for our liveblog! – but it was filmed, and the full event has now been released for you to peruse at your leisure. It wasn't just the iPhone 5 that made its debut, of course; Apple also had new iPod touch and iPod nano models to show, as well as a new version of iTunes.


The event also saw the release date for iOS 6 confirmed, and another demo of some of the upcoming platform's more eye-catching features. Considering it won't just be present on the iPhone 5 and iPod touch, but pushed out for iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPad 2, new iPad, and iPod touch owners already out in the wild, iOS 6 is shaping up to be a big deal.

Arguably, though, not as big a deal as the new iPhone 5. Apple's smartphone has been stretched and slimmed and speeded-up, and the company had the eye-catching demos to show just why that mattered. Opinions are already flying as to whether this is a spectacular upgrade or a disappointing refresh: what do you think?

[polldaddy poll=6531422]

There's more on the iPhone 5 in our full hands-on, and we've got hands-on coverage of the new 5th-gen iPod touch and the 7th-gen iPod nano. Let us know whether you're itching to upgrade – or headed straight to an Android or Windows Phone 8 device! – in the comments.


