Apple Blocks (Some) Samsung Phone Sales In Court Case
In a court case that seems to have been going on since the dawn of time, Apple and Samsung remain at legal war with one another. As a result of that case – the same one we've been talking about for several years – Apple has won an injunction to block the sales of several Samsung phones. Lucky for Samsung, the lot of these phones are... essentially out of rotation. There's almost no possible way you'd be buying these phones in a store today anyway, and if you were, it probably wouldn't be direct from Samsung.
This injunction includes the following devices, the lot of which are no longer (for the time being) able to be sold by Samsung inside the United States. It's going to be devastating for your Uncle who was waiting year and years to buy his Samsung Galaxy Nexus directly from Samsung, but he'll probably be OK buying it 3rd-hand.
• Samsung Admire
• Samsung Galaxy Nexus
• Samsung Galaxy Note
• Samsung Galaxy Note 2
• Samsung Galaxy S II
• Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket
• Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch
• Samsung Galaxy S III
• Samsung Stratosphere (also a Galaxy S phone, mind you)
As CNET suggests, most of the devices on the court's list are not up for sale by Samsung inside the United States, online or off.
Samsung is speaking up about the state of design patent laws this week as a result.
"To protect the future of innovation, design patent laws must be interpreted in a way that makes sense for modern products," said a Samsung representative, "Design patents must not be given too broad a scope and damages must not be windfalls vastly out of proportion to the contribution of the patented design. If the legal precedent in this case stands, the consequences could be dire for the advancement of industry, innovation and science. We are asking companies of all sizes in all industries to join us with their support."
What do you think? You can learn more about this case's result at Have at it!