Android Users Can Listen To Beats 1 Radio For Free (For Now)

iOS and OS X users have had almost a full day now to enjoy Beats 1, the new 24/7 streaming radio station that comes as part of the newly launched Apple Music service, as have Windows users. Those with Android devices, however, have been left out of the cool kids' club, at least until this sometime this fall when their own Apple Music app will be released. Or have they? Maybe they're actually the coolest of the cool kids, since they've found a back door entrance to that cool new club.


Ok, so if that analogy didn't make sense, basically there's an unofficial way Android users can listen to the Beats 1 stream for free. Twitter user Benji R has discovered an unencrypted live streaming URL that will work on devices with Android 4.1 or later. He's shared it on his website here.

Lots of users have tried it out and found success with both the stock Android 4.1 browser and Chrome, however the method has been described as unreliable at times. It's also likely to shut down fairly quickly as Apple catches wind of what's going on. But if you're an Android user looking to keep an on this exploit, your best bet is probably this Reddit thread, where users are sharing new URLs as others are closed down.


If you're an Apple user that isn't keep on updating iOS, you can also give it a try with iOS 6 or later, as well on OS X with Safari. If you do have iOS 8, it'll probably just be easier to sign up for the free 3-month trial and turn off the auto-renewal.

SOURCE iRumble / Benji R (Twitter)

